Changchun plastic water tank manufacturer
Briefly describe the characteristics of the packaging barrel: 1. When moving, you can also choose the method of horizontal rolling and lateral rotation. 2. It has good anti-corrosion function and is suitable for packaging of various chemical risk products. 3. The residue after dumping is small and simple to clean, which is suitable for repeated use of screens. 4. It has a long service life and can be used for more than 20 times under the normal side of flooding, transportation and loading and unloading. 5. The size meets the requirements of world container transportation, and the 20 foot container can load 80. 6. It can be used for hot filling. One Wengding Warehouse should not catch up with OAC. After hot filling, the lid and stacking shall not be closed until the contents have cooled sufficiently and dropped to room temperature. 7. If it is used to contain easily differentiated chemicals, Danduo should be equipped with Yizi with qi expelling function to prevent the risk of overpressure in Tannuo coating, and the red fork can keep the sealing function of Hanshi night body in mind.

Changchun plastic water tank manufacturer
Plastic barrel modification equipment What are the processing equipment for plastics? Plastic barrel modification equipment Plastic modification involves four aspects: raw and auxiliary materials used, processing equipment, modification technology and effect, and specific application. According to the plastic modification process, the processing equipment can generally be divided into four categories: primary mixing, melt mixing, pelletizing and drying. The corresponding equipment is introduced as follows: primary mixing equipment. Primary mixing equipment refers to the equipment used for mixing materials in the non melting state. The equipment used for primary mixing is almost intermittent. There are many types of primary mixing equipment, such as rotary drum mixer, double cone mixer, spiral belt mixer, Z-shaped kneader high-speed mixer, etc., but at present, the two types of widely used plastic mixing processes are Z-shaped kneader and high-speed mixer. Z-shaped kneader Z-shaped kneader, also called double arm kneader, is mainly composed of rotor, mixing chamber and driving device. The rotor is installed in the mixing chamber. The mixing chamber is a steel trough with a W-shaped or saddle shaped bottom. The upper part is provided with a cover and a feeding port, and the lower part is generally provided with a discharge port. The steel trough is jacket type, and heating and cooling medium can be fed into it. Some high-precision mixing chambers are also equipped with vacuum devices, which can discharge moisture and volatile matter during the mixing process. There are two types of rotor installation in the mixing chamber, one is tangential installation and the other is intersecting installation. In tangential installation, the movement traces of the outer edges of the two rotors are tangent; In the intersecting installation, the movement traces of the outer edges of the two rotors are intersecting. During tangential installation, the rotor can rotate in the same direction or in different directions, and the speed ratio between rotors is 1.5:1, 2:1 or 3:1. The rotor installed in intersecting mode can only rotate at the same speed because the outer edge movement traces intersect. The clearance between the outer edge of the rotor installed in an intersecting way and the wall of the mixing chamber is very small, generally about 1mm. In such a small gap, materials will be strongly sheared and squeezed. This effect can be physically modified by filling and blending.

Changchun plastic water tank manufacturer
The common cooling shaping plastic barrel is the later stage of the injection molding process, starting from the freezing of the gate and ending with the demoulding of the product. At this stage, feeding or backflow will not continue, and the plastics in the cavity will continue to cool, harden and shape. When demoulding, the plastic parts have enough rigidity to prevent warping and deformation. The plastic bucket produced by this method has many advantages as well as some disadvantages. If the plastic bucket manufacturer will encounter a series of flow resistance in the injection process, part of the resistance comes from the external friction of the barrel, nozzle, mold gating system and mold cavity surface wall against the melt, and the other part comes from the viscous internal friction generated inside the melt itself. In order to overcome the flow resistance, the injection machine must apply a large injection pressure to the melt through the screw or plunger. This is not a big problem, as long as you pay attention to this problem can also be avoided!

Changchun plastic water tank manufacturer
Compared with previous years, this year is a miracle year, because there is no time comparable to this year. Just this year, our plastic buckets have made a new breakthrough, and we have made changes in quality! It has achieved what has been desired in recent years. At present, the plastic barrels of our factory have a long service life. Under the conditions of normal filling, transportation, loading and unloading, the warranty period is 18 months. The technical parameters of the plastic bucket are strictly in accordance with the specifications, and the appearance design and product dimensions of the plastic bucket can also be customized according to the needs. Plastic barrels can be used for hot filling, and the general temperature should not exceed 60 ℃. After hot filling, the lid and stacking shall not be closed until the contents have cooled sufficiently and dropped to room temperature.
Changchun plastic water tank manufacturer
Next, the plastic bucket manufacturer will tell you how to prolong its service life as much as possible. As a widely used container, plastic bucket has been recognized by more people, and its use is very convenient. However, attention should be paid to how to extend its service life. Pay more attention during the storage of plastic buckets, so that they can be used longer. The chemical reaction of plastic bucket exposed to the sun is caused by many factors. First, ultraviolet radiation, the leading element of photochemical reaction, can directly cause the cracking of molecular chains. In all the light, the shorter the wavelength and the greater the energy, the faster the aging of the plastic bucket. Because rubber and plastic materials will produce free groups when absorbing light energy, and then cause and accelerate some adverse chain reactions.
Changchun plastic water tank manufacturer
As a storage container, plastic packaging barrels are very popular. But even good quality plastic buckets may be deformed. How can we prevent this? Here are some prevention methods. First of all, we should cherish the use of plastic buckets when using them, and handle them gently when transferring, loading and unloading plastic buckets and in daily use. Secondly, during storage and transportation, the ground should be flat to prevent the plastic bucket from being tilted, and more importantly, to avoid collision between the bucket and sharp objects. When filling and sealing the lid, try to use a rubber hammer less than one pound to press the opening of the tear belt first, and then knock the lid down evenly along the outer circumference of the top of the lid. The knocking force should be less than 8KG. The contact between the rubber hammer and the lid should be parallel and not be tilted. Otherwise, it is easy to break the lid. The plastic bucket mouth shall be placed upward during storage. The containers shall be stacked tightly and firmly or have enough support and reinforcement. A layer of thin plate shall be laid on every two layers of plastic drums before stacking to avoid unnecessary losses caused by excessive stress on the drums due to fluctuations and bumps during transportation. Of course, the above preventive measures play a certain role in preventing the deformation of plastic packaging barrels, but their daily use is also important. On the other hand, it is also related to the quality of packaging barrels. Choosing a high-quality plastic barrel manufacturer has greater benefits for later use